EGORAVEN Heir of the First Unicorn 01The return of the elf-prince Rillian to Edinrahn is not the joyous occasion expected as he becomes a harbinger of a violent coup.

EGORAVEN Heir of the First Unicorn 02Egoraven and her uncle Amadaeo find themselves almost captured by the Dragon Lords until an unusual stranger intervenes on their behalf.

EGORAVEN Heir of the First Unicorn 03Egoraven becomes the center of unwanted attention as a noblewoman and her unusual lady-in-waiting invite her to a fateful banquet.

EGORAVEN Heir of the First Unicorn 04Egoraven starts her training and joins the tournament circuit with the help of Johar, Morgan, and Daniel.

EGORAVEN Heir of the First Unicorn 05Egoraven moves up the tournament ranks and gets closer to knighthood, but not without the Dragon Lords taking notice.

EGORAVEN Heir of the First Unicorn 06Egoraven’s growing success is marred by the return of the elf-prince Rillian, who threatens to topple her plans.

EGORAVEN Heir of the First Unicorn 07Egoraven’s world crumbles around her as Prince Rillian’s machinations in the capital of Varcyn take root.

EGORAVEN Heir of the First Unicorn 08Egoraven tries to end Rillian’s reign of chaos but the elf prince has a few more tricks up his sleeve.

EGORAVEN Heir of the First Unicorn 09Egoraven is tried for murder but makes an offer to King Jason he might not be able to refuse in exchange for her life.

EGORAVEN Heir of the First Unicorn 10Egoraven survives the tower and becomes a knight, but new treachery follows her back to Edinrahn.
