FREEZE FRAME: A Secret of NIMH Fanfic
A long time ago on an Internet far, far away, I ran one of few fan sites for The Secret of NIMH – The Justin and Jenner Shrine. And between all the screengrabs, pictures of my collection, and analysis of the infamous “Kiss” drawing was my only public attempt at fanfic – Freeze Frame
After a time, the website went down and I lost interest in reviving it, and losing a lot of the files due to various hard drive failures didn’t exactly encourage me to do anything else with the site either.
But lo and behold, the fanfic that I thought lost was found again, and I came to the conclusion that it would be fun to post the chapters here just so it won’t go to waste. Also, little did I know there were still fans of the original site who still wanted to see it in all it’s fannish glory after all this time.
So here it is. And if this is your type of thing, sit back and enjoy!
Hey, it’s a NIMH fanfic – what could possibly go wrong? =^_~=
CLICK HERE to download the PDF!